Vivian and Alex

At the beginning of this year, the universe put us, Alex Revers and Vivian Camphuijsen, on a path where we connected with a beautiful group of young Queers born and raised in the oldest Township of South Africa – Langa.

After being silenced for decades, this LGBTQIA+ community decided that they have been hiding their truth for long enough. They deserve to be out and proud, from silent to loud—and to educate their community about the existence of queerness. It resulted in the first-ever Langa Pride on March 8, 2023. A group of strangers transformed into a welcoming community and invited Alex and Vivian to be part of this intimate journey, utilising their skills as storytellers to let their brave stories inspire others to feel safe and free within themselves.

We are combining photograpy and film to document their journey and at the same time to use the content for them to explain who they are to their community.